45th New Phytologist Symposium: Ecological and evolutionary consequences of plant–fungal invasions 20–23 June 2020, University of Campinas, Brazil Website: www.newphytologist.org/symposia/45 Travel grant deadline: Thursday 19th March 2020 Poster abstract deadline: Thursday 16th April 2020
The 45th New Phytologist Symposium will explore how human activities increasingly alter plant and soil fungal communities and the consequences of these changes.
Leading scientists will share insights into the biogeographic patterns, ecological/evolutionary dynamics, and ecosystem/biogeochemical consequences of plant–fungal co-invasions.
The symposium will take place over four days at the University of Campinas, Brazil, and include sessions organised by broad research topics. There will be dedicated time for discussions, poster sessions, selected poster talks and a field trip.

Next generation scientists 2020 3–6 August 2020, University of Tartu, Estonia Website: www.newphytologist.org/nextgenevents/2020
New Phytologist next generation scientists meetings are fully-funded events with the unique aim to provide the next generation of plant scientists a chance to share their work with their peers and outstanding international scientists in a stimulating, supportive and exciting environment. The meeting is organised by and for early career researchers, including undergraduate or masters students, PhD students, and individuals with up to five years' experience after gaining their PhD. Career breaks don't count towards this five year total.

46th New Phytologist Symposium: Stomata 2020 11–14 September 2020, New Century Grand Hotel Kaifeng, China Website: www.newphytologist.org/symposia/46 Travel grant deadline: Thursday 28th May 2020 Poster abstract deadline: Thursday 25th June 2020
There have been dramatic developments in our understanding of stomata in recent years. This symposium will provide a forum for stomatal scientists to hear the latest developments in stomatal research and to discuss and decide on a road map for the future. It will also place stomatal research in the overarching context of global environmental change.
The symposium will take place over four days at the New Century Grand Hotel Kaifeng, China, and include sessions organised by broad research topics. The symposium will include a welcome dinner, poster sessions and selected poster talks.

Funding available! Call for New Phytologist Symposia and Workshop proposals
Deadline: 29 February 2020
Funding of up to £43k is available to run New Phytologist Symposia and Workshops, with slots available for 2022 onwards. The application deadline for Symposia proposals is 29 February 2020.
Further information and the proposal pro forma is available on our website: www.newphytologist.org/news/view/145